40th Reunion

Bluestone High School Class of '69

Saturday, October 17, 2009

7 pm to 12 midnight

Mecklenburg Country Club, Chase City, VA


The Big Event

The invitations were mailed on August 10. We couldn't find current addresses for everyone, so if you didn't receive one, just use the information below to send your response and check to Richie Richards as soon as possible.

The original deadline was October 3, but it has been extended so that everyone has a chance to join us for a fun night. You must send your check IMMEDIATELY if you plan to attend.

If you don't receive your invitation, email Rae Bullock Creedle at raebc@creedle.net.

If you have misplaced your invitation or did not receive an invitation and want to attend, please send the following to:

Other Events

If you are interested in playing golf at Kinderton on Saturday, please contact Tyler Howerton at tylerh@ivcusa.com by October 10. Tee time will be noon or before.

Any suggestions for other events?

Other events that weekend:

Chase City Autumn Jubilee, Main Street, Chase City, 9 am to 3 pm - Arts, crafts, vendors, DJ entertainment, the only Bed Race in Southside Virginia. Children's entertainment, good food, Pumpkin Chunkin' contest and lots of fun!

Deceased Class Members

If anyone would like to post photos or remembrances of any of our deceased class members, please send the information to me at raebc@creedle.net. I'll format the information into a web page and add it to this site.

Missing Class Members

We don't have addresses for these class members. If you have an email or snail mail address for any of these people, please send the information to me at raebc@creedle.net.

Missing Email Addresses

For the following class members, either we don't have an email address OR the address we have no longer works. If you have an email address for any of these people, please send it me at raebc@creedle.net.

Join us at the reunion!

Class photo from the 35th Reunion

Email Rae Bullock Creedle

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